How To Make Daigakuimo!!

 A recipe I introduce is daigakuimo. It is one of potato's dish. The Daigakuimo is a dish in which sweet potatoes are cut into pieces, fried in oil and dipped in molasses made from sugar, water, etc. It’s often categorized more as a snack than a dish.  Daigakuimo means collage potato in Japanese. The name of the daigakuimo has been the subject of many theories has not been crarified. The truth is not clear, according to studdies, daigakuimo is called college students eat it and it was eaten by the college. It is said that the Chinese dish ”蜜濺紅芋" is the origin of daigakuimo. In my case, my mother cooked the daigakuimo as one of the contents of the lunchbox. I remember how happy I was when I found daigakuimo in my lunch box occasionally. These circumstances made me want to do some research on daigakuimo.

 You will nead:

・One pot for frying sweet potatoes.

・One bowl for mixing ingredients.

・One role of cooking paper.

・One knife for cutting the potatoes.

・Some plates for serving the food.

・Measuring spoon.


  Ingredients(This recipe yields 1 serving)

・One sweet potato 

・Sugar 45g

・Soy souce a tablespoon

・Mirin a tablespoon

・Sake a tablespoon

・Vinegar ½ teaspoon

・Oil ½ teaspoon



1. Firstly, cut the sweet potatoes into bite-sized pieces and put into the water in order to prevent changing potatoes's color.


2. Secondly, put the sugars, the soy sauce, the mirin(Mirin is a type of alcohol or mixed liquor), the vinegar, the sake and the oil in the bowl and not mixing.


3. Thirdly, make the sweet potatoes dry by using the kitchin papers when heat the ingredients in the pot to about 150 to 160 degrees celcius.


4. Next, add the sweet potatoes to the pot and fry them for about 4 to 5 minutes.


5. Besides, mix and stir the ingredients in the pot described in procedures 2. 


6. Also, stir the ingredients in the pot for about 1 minute and turn off heat when the ingredients thicken.


7. Then, add the sweet potatoes into the pot, mix them and sprinkle black sesame.

8. Finally, you can eat dishes just finished or had better chill them in a refrigerator in my suggestion.



In addition to the above recipe, it can also be made by deep frying instead of deep frying. Others, you can also make sweet daigakuimo with store-bought milk caramel or sesame salt and honey. I think it is fun to add different sweeteners to make a variety of daigakuio. Can also be made into daigakuimo like a stick.  Stick-shaped daigakuimo are crunchy and can be made inexpensively with basic seasonings and in not much time, making them a great choice for a quick snack. Please make so delicious daigakuimo! Enjoy cooking!!



